CCBC Commemorates Past Club President Sean Hartigan R.I.P
It is with great sadness and regret that Castleconnell Boat Club has learned of the passing of our past club president Sean Hartigan. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the family.
Sean Hartigan was a man who held many roles in Castleconnell Boat Club, from Club president and secretary to boat technician/welder, part-time coach, and driver of the safety launch. Perhaps, to most Castleconnell locals Sean was the voice of CBC’s Regatta held each June at the World’s End.
He would compare the day’s racing, peppered with the nail-biting finals of the greasy pole competition and the hotly contested pub tug o’ war. He would wind up the days racing as MC at the medals ceremony outside Hickeys Bar and conclude proceedings by leading the singsong -with a few willing participants- into the early hours.
To CBC members of a certain age, Sean represented what it meant to be a club man, he fundraised, fixed oars, repaired rigging, stored boats by the hedge in his garden, he could turn his hand to anything. He will be missed. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. A guard of honour will take place to the graveyard after the funeral mass at Castleconnell Church on Friday 5th June at :.

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